Worst nightmare:flying with your toddler!

Since the day my son turned 1 and started to engage, crawl and walk the thing that i dread the most is FLYING!! dont think there is anything that worries me more than the day that my travel dates arrive and I need to go back to Lebanon from Angola or vice versa!

Our journey starts with a 3 and a half flight from Beirut to Dubai, a 9 hours stop in the airport, and then off to another 8 hours in the air! oh yes the mother of all flights!

what to do on the plane with a toddler? you pray and hope that he falls asleep for the whole trip!! :)

if that doesnt work, here's things that seemed to have entertained my son and kept him on my lap for the whole trip

1- Make sure you reserve the "bassinet seat", the seat which comes in the front of the plane that provides larger foot space... a must if your baby is still on your laps (no seats before the age of 2) You will be saved if the seat next to you is free!

2- Prepare a lot of snacks, and a lot of variety! think of the bag you carry with you as that of Mary poppins! unexpected surprises need to keep coming out from there. However stay away from sugary sweets if your planning to get him to sleep! ziploc bags are perfect for both space and weight control.

3- The most amazing invention of all for travelling with a toddler thats technology oriented, The Almighty IPAD!  you can download all sorts of free games that will keep your kid busy for hours and hours, you can even download favorite videos such as episodes of Barney , Sesame Street , Pooh or whatever your kid is hooked up on, beleive me no TV Control time when you are on a plane, let them indulge!

4- If you are travelling alone, do not hesistate to ask for assistance from the hostesses, whether you need to heat up food, fill up your baby's bottle with water or even get a 2 mins bathroom break! if they are not free, am sure you will find someone reliable to hold your kid for 2 mins!

5- Try not to be seated next to other kids on the plane, as from experience, that has resulted into turning the flight into an unwanted playground!

6- Make sure you get several clothes changes for both you and your kids! you never know what they might spill on you , specially during a long long long flight! and of course wear something super comfy.

Will be coming back for more tips and tricks!

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