Because that's how they celebrate Valentine in Angola!!

3 hours stuck in traffic for a normal usual 1 hour ride from the city center to the suburbs, with a 2 year old in the car! fun no??! I am sure any of you readers can relate to this if I tell you think of the rush hour the day before Christmas in your own country! well it wasn't christmas yesterday in Angola, it was VALENTINE'S DAY!! From about a week or so Luanda started to get ready for the celebrations, as this is a major occasion for them. You can spot pop up shops selling teddy bears, lingerie, flowers and basically anything red on every corner and under most buildings. The flower stands which are located outside the cemetries turned bright red and festive as people rushed to get last minute bouquets. And while stuck in traffic , all I could spot were people carrying bags with ribbons. I know what everyone says , people take advantage this february 14 to make money, well maybe they do, in Lebanon they sure do :) but here you actually feel that people enjoy it and make a point to celebrate it! Thumbs up Angola!! (but not for the traffic!)

So for all of you men living in Luanda, see there are plenty of options to offer for your loved one around the city! No excuses :))



  1. Guess there is no excuses about forgetting. Lovely if you have someone but bet that is hard for those who have lost/not found love etc.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is true! it would be a constant reminder, thanks for your comment


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