Peekaboo heart cake

We're still in the spirit of valentine around here!

I saw this cake on pinterest a while ago and been meaning to do it ever since- like any other pin of the almost 1000 i have pinned- but this one looks sophisticated and complicated but it is so simple to make. And having the appropriate cookie cutter you can adapt it to almost any occasion you have and it would definitely wow the crowd!
I got the "how to's" of this cake from the following site,, over there they did a pumpkin cake with a pumpkin peekaboo! check them out!

I used my own recipe of a vanilla pound cake and a chocolate pound cake, yes you will be doing two cakes in one so if you have cake mix boxes in hand it is even better!

First start with the chocolate cake mix

Pour the mix into a loaf pan and straight to the oven

Make sure not to cook it through till then end, and remove from the oven 10 mins before its time. Leave it to cool on a wire rack and then put it in the fridge for four hours.

In the meantime prepare white cake mix but don't pour it in in the loaf pan yet...

You will need to take out the chocolate cake from the fridge, cut it in large pieces and then start cutting with your cookie cutter.

Then align the heart shaped cake pieces in the greased and flowered loaf pan.

And pour your white cake mix over them, make sure the mix covers the heart pieces.


how cute is that??

Try the different cookie cutters you have, a christmas tree for xmas time, even an alphabet letter cutter would look super fun at your next kid's party! try them out and let me see how they look!


  1. Heyy youmna. I was just reading ur post abt your son s birthday. Can u tell me the average price of fondant cakes in luanda

  2. hii the people that presented me offers last year were for about 350$ to 450 $ for a round cake for 20 people with a very simple design. But if you are looking for a cake for a special occasion check out my post about "Marwa's bday cakes" she does lovely cakes with a reasonable price
    thanks for stopping by

  3. Love the idea! Looks yummy too!

    Hi! Stopping by from Mom Bloggers Club. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

  4. Thnks Veronica! glad you enjoyed :))

  5. What a cute idea, I bet my kids would love this! Saw your post on bloggy moms and following you by email now. I look forward to your future posts! You can find me at

    1. Hello! thanks for the follow, you can also follow me on friends connect, just did that on your blog too! will definitely try some of your recipes!thanks for stopping by!

  6. It's like a hidden surprise! It does look a little complicated, but I'm always up for a challenge too. Found you on Bloggy Moms. If you get a chance stop by and check out my blog. I'm at Gonna follow you to make sure and check out anymore interested foods to try or bake.

    1. Sharon it's not complicated at all, you should definitely give it a try, it just needs some time for the cake to get cold in the fridge. I am on your blog right now!love it! thanks for stopping by!

  7. Hi again!
    Swinging by once more to follow your lovely blog!

    Happy Weekending!


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