2 year old on his first Safari!

Safari trip here we go! We're going to see the animals, that's what we told Karim or like he says it "Amimals!". The trip to the Quissama National Park takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes from Luanda Sul. That's the easy part! You reach the gate of the park, and then you need to look at the picture below! It's about 40 minutes of this! yes! An off road that seems to be neverending!

When we finally reached the park, we waited for the truck- don't know what else to call it!- that will be taking us on the tour to see the "amimals!"

All through the trip you can spot gazelles running around, but the picture is kind of difficult since they disappear the moment they hear any noise.
Then we reached the area where the giraffes are located. Fascinating! We could spot around 8 or 9 giraffes, maybe more and they were really close. My son was shocked! He's like mommy mommy, giraffe eat tree! At that point of the trip I was really happy we took this decision to take him on this adventure.

Then we reached an area where supposedly the elephants are located, but the guy sitting next to the driver, yes I won't call him guide, because he just sat next to the driver the whole two hours, so the man sitting next to the driver told us that since yesterday the elephants where nowhere to be seen...Interesting huh?
Anyways, we continued on the bumpy bumpy road and arrived to where a group of buffalos were hovering. Not so interesting after the giraffes, and after we were promised elephants, but it was more than exciting for Karim. Seeing birds or ants gets him all excited!
After around two hours we headed back to the park's main grounds. There you can find bungalows for overnight stays, a restaurant, an area for barbecuing and monkeys lots and lots of monkeys running around. I lost count of them. You could truely feel you are in the jungle with the scene that I saw in front of me! And the joy on my little one's face! Monkey monkey up tree, up tree! And he is saying it untill now!

If you are in Angola, I really do encourage you to take this trip with your kids. It's tiring ,not an easy road, but it's definitely worth it. So make use of your time in Africa and go show your kids the giraffes, and hopefully by then they would have found the elephants :)


  1. Wow, that looks like a magically experience. My 7 year really wants to come to Africia. In fact she would rather take a trip there than Disney. We are going to have to put it on our list in a few years after we return from our time in the United Kindom.

  2. It was a true adventure! Really felt like you were in the jungle! And I was so happy my 2 year old was really aware of what was going on around him! You definitely should take a safari trip with her, there are so many parks around Africa that you would definitely enjoy!

  3. Interesting thoughts, I really enjoyed your blog.


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