Cookies for my Valentines


Who needs a reason to bake cookies right?? but since I've been trying to lose some weight lately I've been trying to stay away from the baking ,because I cannot control my sweet tooth ;) hurray to you if u can!
 So it's valentine morning, I decided to bake with my little one for the first time today and see how it goes.

TIP NUMBER 1 when baking with a toddler, make sure you finish all the dough, try cutting up most of the cookies yourself and then ONLY THEN let him in into the kitchen, otherwise you will be left with overworked dough from his little hands and a messy kitchen to finalize your recipe! But definitley do it! Karim enjoyed it so much specially since this week he's into shapes and all!

So back to the recipe, here it goes

3 1/2 cups of flour
3/4 cups sifted powdered sugar
1 cup soft butter
1 egg
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
a pinch of salt

Put the egg , vanilla and salt in a bowl and whisk. Then add the sugar, butter and then the flour and mix with your hands untill a dough consistency is acheived. The dough will be a bit crumbly don't worry (because I did worry at first ;) ) then put the dough in between two sheets of wax paper and start rolling it with a rolling pin. Then get whatever cookie cutter you will use and cut the dough and line the cookies on a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Then put them in the fridge to rest for about 1/2 hour. Then they will be ready for the oven. I put mine in a preheated oven 150 degrees C for about 20 minutes or so. Keep checking on them, They will be ready when they turn golden , but not too brownish.

For decoration you can be as creative as you can, powdered sugar, fill them with jam (like I did for some) and for the heart shaped cookies I actually drizzled them with some left over dark chocolate ganache that I had in the fridge. Enjoy the flakiness!

Happy Valentines to everyone or like they say in Angola Feliz Dia dos Namorados-- It's a big celebration here in Angola, will be posting some street pictures soon of how they celebrate valentine, so stay tuned :)


  1. These are adorable biscuits. Lovely to see some homemade recipes and not just the commercial side of Valentine's Day! I have a Valentine's Link up on my Blog please do add this post to it.


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