How BLW was a hit with my girl

I ran across these three letters on instagram on different accounts BLW. At that time my little girl was about to start eating solids so i figured why not give it a try.
It sure is messy , maybe a little frustrating at first because you can't figure out how much she ate and how much has hit the floor, but it sure turned out to beneficial to her and to me.

Instead of serving her pureed baby food, i used to boil/steam or bake the veggies untill they are cooked through and soft and put them on her highchair food tray. The first week was all play with food until she started actually putting the pieces in her mouth and understanding that this a time to eat. You can place the spoon on the tray or the plate but

My eldest boy who will turn 6 in a few months still insists sometimes that i help him finish his plate and that would be after he has already created a mess on the table. Whereas my two year old has been eating alone for over a year now dishes that consist of rice, soups, pasta ,anything and everything... sure theres always a mess to clean,shes a kid afterall!

I truly beleive that Baby led weaning helped my little one be more independent and in control not just of her eating method but also in everyday tasks .

Pictures to follow


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