Bom Dia !

I've been here for over 4 years now,staying in the same country with my husband who owns his own business is a non-negotiable issue for me.
Although time passed exremely fast , days in Angola however dont move as fast! Being a stay at home mom , after working for over 8 years pre-marriage, proved to be one hell of a challenge, specially in a country where the conditions of living even for expatriates are not very easy.

For my two year old as well his life here is a challenge as well. Angola has very minimal activities for young  children. You can find nurseries and pre-schools however the costs of putting your kid in one of them is outrageous (same fees as i paid for my Graduate degree in the most expensive university in Lebanon!!)

Enough with the nagging, this blog will be a place where I share my findings and trials of toddler activities, recipes (one of my passions) and all things that will help stay at home moms in Angola and elsewhere in the world!
so welcome to my world and feel free to share your world with us!


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