Mommy is afraid of cats, and baby loves cats!!

My Ailurophobia -persistent and irrational fear of cats- has been there for as far as I can remember! I cannot stand being around cats, hear the sound of cats and even their sight on tv or even in pictures is unpleasant!! And no it's not all animals, only cats! I admit I dont have a passion for animals but we've had a dog around the house and i lived with it. But when we visit friends that have cats in their houses , it's either me or the cat in the house! Last month, I was saying good bye to my neighbor who's leaving Angola to her home country to go deliver her second child, as I opened the door of their door to go out of the house I was surprised by the sight of a cat standing on the door, automatically I tried to shut the door to avoid any me-cat confrontation, oblivious to the fact that my son has already passed through the front door and started screaming at the sight of the cat. Thank god my husband was there to the rescue! And this became m...